Few things beat the feeling of waking up in a cozy sleeping bag to birds chirping around you, the smell of the previous night’s bonfire still in the air, and the view of a breathtaking mountainous landscape. So if you are considering buying some backpacking gear to experience all of the glory that comes with adventuring into the wilderness, you’ve come to the right place. Depending on what else you may need, you can also take a peek at the best camping lanterns, the best camping sleeping pads, and other awesome tents worth considering.
Please note that all of the tents in this review are three-season tents, meaning they provide shelter in the spring, summer, and fall. To help you find the right backpacking tent, we explored a variety of options available online. Based on our research, these are some of the best backpacking tents you can get on Amazon right now.
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Prices were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time.
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Meet the writers
Rebecca Boniface
Rebecca Boniface is a certified PADI dive instructor, full-time nomad, and DIY enthusiast.
Lily Hartman
Staff Writer, Search
Lily Hartman is a staff writer who also enjoys writing magazine articles about health and outdoor recreation. In her free time, she likes to hike, camp, run, and lift weights.
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