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Annuals vs. perennials—here's everything you need to know

Give your garden some flower power

An illustration of yellow, pink, purple, and orange spring flowers on a green and white background Credit: Reviewed / Tara Jacoby

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Spring is here and that means it's time to help your garden grow with beautiful and bright florals. But, when it comes to annual vs. perennial flowers, what exactly are the differences? Should you start with seedlings or opt for seeds?

If you're deciding between annual vs. perennial flowers, here is what you need to know about buying and caring for the best flowers to fill your yard, deck, or windowsill with color all season long.

Annual vs. perennial flowers: What’s the difference?

Annual flowers provide fast results—at a price

Most of the flowers and foliage plants you see in hanging baskets or in little plastic pots outside the supermarket are annuals. That means they are plants that sprout, flower, and die in a single year.

Annuals give you fast results since the flowers are blooming upon purchase! However, these are one-shot plants. Meaning, the flowers only last for one season, and you’ll have to buy new plants next year.

Perennial flowers are commitments that pay off

Perennials are plants that survive year-round in your area. Upon planting, you can look forward to seeing the same blooms year after year.

The downside? Perennials usually don’t bloom all summer long because of the energy used to grow roots in preparation to survive the impending winter.

The best perennials combine long-blooming flowers with attractive foliage that looks great in your garden when they’re not in bloom, especially if you’re planting in container gardens.

Some gardeners use a “pot in pot” method, where they put perennials in small pots inside a larger container and rotate them out when they’re done blooming.

Always check to make sure that a “perennial” plant is perennial in your area. Some perennial plants need a winter dormant period to rebloom, and others are killed by deep freezes.

If you live outside the survival zone for a perennial, you can still plant it and enjoy it—but for you, it will be an annual plant. The plants we list below will generally grow anywhere except in the extreme south and desert climates.

The debate of annual vs. perennial plants can come down to the amount of work you want to put in.

How to care for annual plants

Snapdragons, marigolds, and pansies in bloom.
Credit: Burpee

Study up on how to care for annuals like snapdragons, marigolds, and pansies.

Some annuals will grow over the course of the summer, like wave petunias, but blooms can get sparse after the initial show.

$7 at Amazon

For example, some annuals, known as hardy annuals, do best in cool weather. Hardy annuals include flowers like pansies and snapdragons.

$5 at Burpee

$6 at Burpee

While hardy annuals are tough enough to stand near-freezing temperatures in spring, these flowers may stop flowering and turn brown in warmer weather. As an alternative, try heat-loving annuals like geraniums and zinnias.

$25 at Burpee

$9 at Amazon

For maximum bloom, “dead-head” your annuals by removing the old flowers. In turn, the flowers will bloom for longer.

Make sure your annuals in the ground get at least one inch of water per week. This helps the plants look greener if you add a compost side-dressing between rows or apply a balanced fertilizer too.
$9 at Amazon

How to care for perennial plants

Agastache, yarrow, and penstemon in bloom.
Credit: Burpee / Breck's / Nature Hills

If you have a hot and dry environment, look for plants like agastache, yarrow, and penstemon.

The best way to care for perennial plants is to choose plants that are adapted to your conditions. If your site is hot and dry, look for drought-tolerant plants like yarrow and agastache. $50 at Nature Hills

$13 at Burpee

If it’s damp, you’ll have better luck with plants like swamp milkweed, while amsonia lights up dry shady sites. $44 at Nature Hills

$45 at Nature Hills

14 annuals to consider for your yard

If you want to grow from seeds

Alyssum, nasturtiums, and zinnias in bloom.
Credit: Burpee

Take the time to grow Alyssum, nasturtiums, and zinnias.

Beyond deciding to go with annual vs perennial flowers, consider if you'll start with seeds or plants. If you’ve got more time than money, starting plants from seed is a great way to get more flowers for less cash.

Here are some foolproof flowers that are easy for beginners to grow—and great choices if you’d like to get kids into gardening, too. You can find these plants at most garden centers, too.

1. Alyssum flowers in white, which grow low to the ground and give off a honey scent provide the perfect accent for any color scheme in your garden bed while attracting pollinators. You can also find them in a purple variety. With weekly watering, sweet alyssum will bloom all summer long.

$5 at Burpee

$5 at Burpee

2. Marigolds are the classic grade-school plant project for a good reason. They reliably sprout in a week or less, and they bloom from early summer until frost. $6 at Burpee

3. Nasturtiums require a little planning—the seeds sprout better if you soak them in water overnight—but the reward is bright jewel-toned red, yellow, cream, orange, purple, or multicolor blooms. As a bonus, they thrive in poor, dry soils, and both hot and cold conditions. Nasturtium flowers also have edible peppery-tasting petals. $9 at Burpee

4. Sunflowers come in all sizes. If you’re in the mood for a giant in your garden, opt for the Mammoth sunflower, which grow to 12 ft. with foot-wide flowers. If you’re container gardening on a deck or porch, try a dwarf sunflower variety like Tiger Eye, which maxes out at 30 inches tall. $6 at Burpee

$7 at Burpee

5. Zinnias are great to grow if you want to have a bouquet in your house every week this summer. Some look more like daisies, some look more like chrysanthemums, some are interesting green and purple combos, and they come in lots of colors. $6 at Burpee

If you want to buy a plant already in bloom

Geraniums, petunias, and salvias in bloom.
Credit: Burpee

Add some color to your garden with already-grown geraniums, petunias, and salvias.

Although it’s fun to start plants from seed, sometimes you want to get a plant fast to cover a bare space, fill up a container, or just put some color in your life. Here are five spectacular annuals to try.

6. Angelonia are also known as “summer snapdragons." Unlike real snapdragons, these can take the heat and bloom all summer long. Pastel pink or blue blossoms grow on spikes 12-14 inches high. $25 at Burpee

$25 at Burpee

7. Annual geraniums come in almost every color except blue and yellow, but the best-known varieties are shades of red. Several varieties have scented leaves that smell like lemons, roses, or peppermint. Put them somewhere in the garden where you can rub the leaves with your fingers and release the fragrance. At the end of the growing season, you can pot up your geraniums and bring them inside for the winter as houseplants.

$25 at Burpee

8. Petunias are inescapable at garden center displays for good reasons. They bloom all summer, come in colors ranging from yellow to red to purple to black with dozens of patterns. $7 at Burpee

9. Salvias are related to culinary sage, but the salvias at your garden center aren’t for eating—at least, not by humans. But hummingbirds, butterflies, and pollinators love these flowers, which grow on spikes on bushes 2-3 ft. tall. Salvias are also drought-resistant, and thrive in dry, sunny sites. $25 at Burpee

10. Verbenas are hot-weather powerhouses that feed birds, bees, and butterflies on thirsty days. Verbena bonariensis is a tall heirloom flower originating in Brazil with sprays of tiny blue-purple flowers on stems three to four feet tall, while rose verbena is a native to the eastern U.S., and sports rose-pink blooms. $7 at Amazon

$7 at Amazon

If you have a shady yard

Begonias, Coleus, and Nicotiana in bloom.
Credit: Burpee

Got shade to spare? Consider planting begonia, coleus and nicotiana.

If your yard gets a fair amount of shade, consider one of these annuals.

11. Begonias are the classic big-flowered crinkle-leafed plants for containers and shady yards. Most begonias will reliably bloom all summer as long as they’re not in full sun, and will grow about 12 inches high. They can’t tolerate frost, but many varieties will thrive as houseplants if you bring them inside in the fall.

$6 at Amazon

12. Caladiums are also known as “Elephant ears.” They’re tropical plants grown for their big, bright, attention-getting foot-long leaves, which can be bright fuchsia pink, variegated silver and white, or a spidery mix of pink, white, and green. Caladiums thrive in containers and in shade or partial shade, growing to 12-18 inches tall. The leaves can be toxic to cats and dogs if eaten. $30 at Amazon

13. Coleus plants are a surefire way to get color into shady spots where most plants won’t flower. Coleus are grown for their leaves, not their blooms—and those leaves can be lime green, bronze, bright purple, and more. They’ll generally grow from 6-12 inches in a season. As a bonus, most critters don’t like the taste of their leaves. $8 at Amazon

14. Nicotiana offers sweet-scented star-shaped flowers in shades of white, pink, red, and sometimes lime green or purple on 2-foot-tall plants. Otherwise known as flowering tobacco, nicotiana attracts hummingbirds and resists nibbling by squirrels and chipmunks—but it is poisonous, and shouldn’t be planted where curious pets and children might investigate it. $6 at Burpee

10 perennials to consider for your yard

If your yard gets a lot of sun

Catmint, coneflower, and black-eyed susan in bloom.
Credit: Breck's / Nature Hills

Make sure plants like catmints, coneflowers, and black-eyed Susans get lots of sun.

Check out these perennials if your house is on the sunny side of the street.

1. Yarrow bears rafts of small flowers perfect for bouquets on 2-foot stalks all summer long. Bees and butterflies love it, and deer and other critters avoid it. $50 at Nature Hills

2. Catmint is a classic “set it and forget it” perennial that comes back blooming every year with little or no care. Catmint forms a mound of violet-blue flowers 2 ft. tall from early to mid summer. The flowers attract butterflies and bees, while the fragrant leaves repel rabbits, but true to its name, catmint may attract cats. $45 at Nature Hills

3. Coneflowers are prairie daisies that flourish on hot, dry sites and grow two to five feet high, depending on the variety. Butterflies thrive on the native purple coneflower, and finches relish their seed heads in the fall, but deer ignore them. Coneflowers also make great cut flowers for bouquets. $44 at Nature Hills

4. Black-eyed Susans are earth-toned flowers that thrive in hot, dry conditions and attract pollinators, but sport daisy-like flowers with dark brown centers and golden yellow petals. $44 at Nature Hills

5. Penstemons, also known by the amusing name “foxglove beardtongue,” are drought-tolerant plants with clusters of little tubular flowers on top of 3-foot spikes. Penstemons are butterfly and hummingbird magnets, and they thrive in hot sites and “lean,” dry soil with lots of sand or gravel. Plant the native foxglove beardtongue for the best chance of attracting wildlife. $50 at Nature Hills

If you have partial sun and shade

Anise hyssop, blue ice amsonia, and swamp milkweed in bloom.
Credit: Nature Hills

Perennials like agastache, amsonia, and milkweeds require partial sun and shade.

These perennials are great if you have a mixed amount of sun and shade in your yard.

6. Agastache, also known as anise hyssop, grows lavender-blue flowers. The leaves are edible and taste like licorice with a hint of mint, and butterflies adore the flowers. Drought- and shade-tolerant, it’s an all-around winner. You can find selections that are light orange or hot pink, but opt for the original for the most vigorous plant.

$44 at Nature Hills

7. Amsonia grow cascades of star-shaped blue flowers in the spring, then offer a second show when the feathery leaves turn bright lemon-yellow in the fall.

$45 at Nature Hills

8. Milkweeds are famous for hosting monarch butterfly caterpillars, but they’re also terrific long-blooming garden plants. Butterfly weed brightens your garden with clusters of bright orange blooms from summer into fall. Butterfly weed thrives in full sun and dry soil, but it flowers well in part-shade as well.

$21 at Amazon

If you have a shady yard

Coral bells and perennial geraniums bloom.
Credit: Burpee / Nature Hills

Coral bells and perennial geraniums thrive with less sunlight.

9. Coral bells have tiny white or pink flowers in the spring, but their colored leaves pack a punch all year long.

$15 at Burpee

10. Perennial geraniums are different from the red geraniums you see in pots at the garden stores. Perennial geraniums bloom all summer long with five-petal flowers in cool colors from white to pink to blue. They spread slowly but surely, and can serve as a ground cover for tricky sites.

$50 at Nature Hills

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